Mark your calendars for May 17th!
Walnuts are versatile, delicious and nutritious, pairing well with both sweet and savory ingredients. There are many reasons to love walnuts on National Walnut Day – here’s just a few:
- Just 28g of walnuts (about a handful) provides 2.5g of plant-based omega-3 ALA (more than any other nut), 4g of protein, 2g fiber and a good source of magnesium (45mg).1
- Walnuts fit into a variety of recommended eating patterns, including the Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet, a plant-based diet and more.
- There have been three decades of published health-related research examining the effect of walnut consumption on heart health, brain health, gut health and more. Check out our website health research section for more information and detailed findings.
Celebrate National Walnut Day:
Cook a new walnut recipe! If you haven’t already, try Indian Spiced Walnut Crumble. Great on their own, stuffed in naan, kathi rolls and wraps or served as an appetizer for your next gathering.
Use more walnuts! Check out our recipe page to explore innovative ways to use the whole bag of walnuts.
1U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019. fdc.nal.usda.gov.